Hello Everyone,
Hopefully Storm Aowyn passed you by without too much disruption. There is a fair bit going on at the moment as we prepare for the 2025 season, so we wanted to take this opportunity to give you a quick update on what happing in the coming days and weeks ahead:
Our U12 & U14 boys will start training over the next few days, with the girls starting a few weeks later. If you would like your child(ren) to join us this year then please use link provided below. We will need a good idea of numbers pretty soon to be able to decide how many teams we need to enter into the leagues. Our younger age groups will commence training in March.
https://dunfanaghyyouthsfc.com/membership_productsTraining Fees
To make things simpler for parents, coaches and players this year, the €2 per training session will be collected monthly (€10) and online. More details will follow once training starts.
Dunfanagahy Youths will be using the ClubZap communications app for all team communications, fixtures/results, memberships and much more going forwards.
The Irish developed app is widely used across the country for team sports, such as rugby, GAA, soccer and more. It boasts powerful communications and fixtures functionality which will allow coaches, parents, and players to co-ordinate and communicate.
Parents of players will be able to join dedicated team groups where they'll get all the info they need regarding training, matches and results. If you have multiple children at the club, it will allow you to see all the training and arranged matches in one place.
The app has a wide range of child protection and GDPR functionality meaning all communications are safe, approved and accountable. Details of how to join will come from the coaches very soon.
Getting Involved
Our club cannot run without the goodwill and time given from our coaches and volunteers. If you think you could help out this year then please get in touch. We are particularly on the look out for people who can help with the organisation of our teams e.g. Arranging training and fixtures. So if you've thought in the past you'd like to help with the teams, but know nothing about soccer, we can still use your help.
Many thanks for reading
We look forward to seeing you at Callum Friel Park this year.